Azure Virtual Desktop
Azure Virtual Desktop is a desktop and application virtualization service that runs in Azure.
Azure Virtual Desktop is a desktop and application virtualization service that runs in Azure
Azure Virtual Desktop
Azure Virtual Desktop is a desktop and application virtualization service that runs in Azure
Security and regulation applications: financial services, healthcare, and government. |
Elastic workforce: remote workers, contractors, and partner access. . |
Employees: bring your own device (BYOD), mobile users, call centers, and branch workers. |
Specialized workloads: design and engineering, legacy apps, and software development test. |
Fail over. |
Azure Virtual Desktop for everyone
Access or take your information securely everywhere, and we take care about your backups, software patches, security patches.
Share your information securely with external users. |
Collaborate with your team from everywhere. . |
You have best cost optimization with autoscale function. |
Azure Virtual Desktop automated deployment
We create AVD environment with azure pipeline and terraform.
Based on terraform we can extend the AVD environment everytime with quality. |
We can extend a complex AVD environment with terraform and pipeline. . |
Your benifit is a high quality environment with staging & versioning. |
Get our template for your test environment. |